
First time

They are breaking down the old order and claiming their word. Bold films from the emerging generation of filmmakers make up the DEF's competition programme for the best European debut of the year.

Films in section:

Travel EssentialsLesson LearnedThe New Year That Never CamePoisonBring Them DownToxicWinter In Sokcho

Film & Music

The Film & Music competition section highlights the power of two artistic disciplines and their ability to appeal to human emotions and passions worldwide. Images, tones and melodies set the rhythm for the avant-garde-oriented section, documentaries and feature films in which music plays a leading role.

Films in section:

Diva FuturaThe Flamenco Guitar Of Yerai CortésHeavier TripThe EndThe Extraordinary Miss Flower


They set the direction, they have won at renowned festivals. They are directed by film masters and feature exceptional personalities of the European screen. Panorama presents a selection of the best and most essential from current European films.

Films in section:

Hard TruthsGrand Theft HamletJulie Keeps QuietWhen Fall Is ComingLoveMadame LunaMarco, The Invented TruthBirdFrom Hilde, with LoveThe WitnessWorld Between UsBad DirectorLiving Large

Tribute to Michel Gondry

Director and screenwriter Michel Gondry is one of the most original directors whose work stands out for its playful transformation of reality into dreamlike stories and precise visual and musical processing. He studied at an art school and gained his filmmaking expertise by making successful music videos and commercials. After the short film La Lettre (1998), he debuted his feature-length comedy with Human Nature (2001). Three years later, he became famous for the drama Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, for which he won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and was nominated for many prestigious awards around the world.

The tribute to Gondry includes the masterful film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), the fantasy romance Foam of Days (2013), the play on reality in The Science of Dreams (2006), but also the latest and very personal stories in the animated film Mayo, Give Me a Name (2024) and a series of legendary music videos.

The program section is held in cooperation with the Creative Europe Desk CZ MEDIA. The office in the Czech Republic represents the European Union program that supports European cinematography and the audiovisual industry.

Films in section:

Maya, Give Me a TitleThe Science of SleepMood IndigoEternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindMichel Gondry: Music Videos

Supported by:

Living Planet

There is only one; it is beautiful and still full of life. We all know that she is worth taking care of and caring for. What topics do filmmakers reflect on the increasingly topical relationship of man to nature and the environment in their works? A selection of films with an ecological touch offers films for the whole family.

Films in section:

Alpha.FlowKyuka: Before Summer's EndNebelkind - The End of SilenceNo Sleep TillDog On Trial