Jiří Konečný
JIŘÍ KONEČNÝ a film producer whose films have been screened at many international festivals, including Berlinale, Cannes and Venice and have won over 100 awards, including the Golden, Silver and Crystal Bears at the Berlinale. Nine of his films have been selected as national Oscar candidates. He is a member of the European Film Academy (EFA), the Czech Film and Television Academy (ČFTA) and the Slovak Film and Television Academy (SFTA). He is a member of the board of directors of the Czech Association of Audiovisual Producers (APA), a member of the praesidium of the Czech Film and Television Academy (ČFTA) and teaches at FAMU in Prague. His films include Everything Will Be, The Old Men, The Bad Pitch or Stupid Porn, Every Minute of Life, The Borders of Love, 107 Mothers or Here Havel, Can You Hear Me?